olVIDAdos has been carrying out special periodic campaigns to provide help for different needs both in Spain and abroad.
Every year, until now, the Christmas and Three Wise Men Campaign is carried out. In it, special foods (proteins, chicken and Roscones de Reyes) and also new toys for children are distributed to disadvantaged families in Madrid neighborhoods on the most significant days. It has been counting on the collaboration of Reyes Magos de Verdad and that of companies.
COVID 19 Campaign – Attention to families. Year 2020- March to June- olVIDAdos It helped to alleviate the difficult situation in which many families found themselves, caused by the strict confinement and the loss of jobs. FORGOTTEN came numerous requests for help from those families who found themselves isolated, without resources, sick and without food. It was a special attention that was carried out in parallel to the food distributions to the families that OLVIDADOs usually serve. It was a plus of attention to more than 200 families. Many of them were incorporated as beneficiaries, definitively in the distribution centers.

Filomena temporary campaign: Attention to families in La Cañada Real- January / February 2020– Due to the wave of snow and cold and the isolation caused by the storm, families from La Cañada were attended, many of them with children, the elderly and sick. Families have been without electricity and heating for months, due to the power outage in that area. olVIDAdos with the help of donors and volunteers, he was able to provide them with food, special warm clothing, stoves and butane cylinders to keep warm.

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