About us

olVIDAdos was established in December 2010 as a non-profit organization and declared of public interest. It does not receive any public subsidies and its Members of the Board run it without receiving any financial compensation for their work.

olVIDAdos purpose is to provide education and assistance.  olVIDAdos places special emphasis on the protection of underprivileged children and families at risk of social exclusion, whom we help through different projects.

In terms of international aid, olVIDAdos was present for a year and three months – from March 2016 to June 2017 – in the refugee camps in northern Greece, with a large group of volunteers who collaborated in the organization and distribution of humanitarian aid sent from Spain.  Our sole aim was to improve the living conditions of a population that did not have access to decent living conditions. Unfortunately, this is still the case today, which is why olVIDAdos continues to send humanitarian aid to refugee camps in Greece, Bosnia and displaced persons located in northern Syria.

In October 2015, olVIDAdos was the recipient of the award “Premio de la Fundación Banco de Alimentos” in Madrid in recognition of the assistance provided to people in need, as we are one of the entities that serves more people. In October 2016, we also received the Liberpress International Award for our international work in aiding the most disadvantaged and, especially, for our work in the refugee camps in northern Greece. In November 2021 we received the award “Haz tu acción” from the Fundation AISGE for our work.


President: D. Isacc Salama Salama

Deputy President:  Dª. Olga San Martín Quiles

Secretary: . Inmaculada del Prado Llergo

Deputy Secretary: Dª. Eloísa Lopez Gonzalez

Members: Dª. Nereida Coig San Martín
Dª. Adela Alba Álvarez

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