ALAS is an early childhood stimulation project that also has psychological support, aimed at minors from disadvantaged families. Initiated by the NGO olVIDAdos in the Madrid neighborhood of Pozo del Tío Raimundo in June 2017. At the center, primary reflexes integration therapy is carried out based on the repetition of rhythmic movements that facilitate and improve sensory, motor, emotional and children’s cognition.

The approach is based on a holistic vision of development, thus intervening in areas such as cognitive stimulation, motor stimulation, language stimulation, psychomotor skills, behavior modification and family intervention. All this together with the psychological support that is provided is generating very good results. As of today, 30 children (between 4 months and 12 years old) are being cared for, with different difficulties (maturation delay, poor coordination, laterality problems, bad postures, enuresis, fears, dyslexia and other learning problems, poor language and/or late, alterations in attention, impulsivity, hyperactivity, hypersensitivity, autism…). Some of the minors who attend ALAS, approximately 30%, show developmental delays, ASD, brain damage and other pathologies that give rise to disabilities of up to 37%, disabilities that, on many occasions thanks to early detection and stimulation adequately they are solved.

Most of the children attend once or twice a week in individual and/or group sessions as needed.

For the smooth running of this project, the work that is also carried out with the mothers of the children is very important, in order to advise them to create the most suitable environment for the progress of their children.

The technical team is made up of a professional with training and experience in dealing with the problems that arise, with the support of a psychologist who is also a teacher in Early Childhood and Primary Education.

Click here to see the video of the ALAS project

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